Hey there 👋

Thanks for stopping by my personal site.

Here I keep a collection of my projects, essays, and experiences.

These days, I’m mostly focused on being a parent, growth consulting, learning Spanish, and occasionally tweet.

When I’m not doing those things, I run and mountain bike.

Get in touch!

Click Around

A blog detailing high-impact marketing without the effort. Learn to automate and produce quality work with speed.

Growth, content, and marketing consulting. 

Collection of landing pages, ideas, and other experiments that may (or may not) get off the ground. 

A weekly Substack newsletter of community-made short stories, read in 10 minutes or less.

The place where I test and tweak all the content that ends up on this site. 


Coming soon…

The latest from the blog

Steal my templates 🥷

A generic 10-question reader survey for newsletter operators. Collect basic demographic, job, and media preference data. Requires email. 

A link scrapper built in Google Sheets. Copy the sheet to your drive and drop the url you’d like to scrape in. Will populate any href on the page. 

Clicking the link above will replicate a generic newsletter design in your Mailchimp account. This design follows my design guidelines here.

You caught us early!

Thanks for taking an interest in Subtrics! We’re currently onboarding a limited number of clients at the moment.

Join our waitlist below to reserve your spot in line. We’ll reach out as we get availability.

A valid email is required to create the new Google Form template.

I will never sell, share, or spam any emails submitted to me.

Occassionally, I share updates to my subscribers. You are free to unsubscribe at any time.